Oda – Odessa Art Of Staff

Odessa Art Of Staff, the pearl of the Art Of Staff cattery, was born on April 9, 2020. And I was lucky to become the mistress of this wonderful and amazing dog.

Стаффордширский терьер щенок и его новаясемья

Odessa Art Of Staff, the pearl of the Art Of Staff cattery, was born on April 9, 2020. And I was lucky to become the mistress of this wonderful and amazing dog.

Ода Семейное Фото

Odessa Art Of Staff – Аmerican Staffordshire Terrier

Father – Zheltaya Rapsody Hronos

Mother – Aurai Art Of Staff 


Height – 46 sm

Weight – 22 kg

Color Red & White

Junior Grand Chempion of Ukraine


Pedigree Data Base

Стаффордширский терьер сука юниор

Dog Shows

Our Oda (Odessa Art Of Staff) is a bright representative of the American Staffordshire Terrier breed. The past year, 2020, brought us many victories and achievements. Before that, she already had “children’s victories” – twice she took an honorable second place in the baby class. And since the beginning of 2021 year, she moved to the junior class.

Success in the junior class is very important. Firstly, the competition here is much higher than in puppies or babies. Secondly, experts evaluate dogs much more strictly. And most importantly, dog shows are the best way to make sure your dog is great. When an expert – a person whom you see for the first time, awards your dog the first place – you are overwhelmed with delight and pride. You and your dog are dog show winners! You are best! What other conversations can there be?

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Kyiv 24.08.2021. Dog Show Kennel Competition. American Staffordshire Terrier Kennel ART OF STAFF – 2nd place
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Kyiv 24.08.2021. Dog Show Kennel Competition. American Staffordshire Terrier Kennel ART OF STAFF – 2nd place

Staffordshire Terrier Oda. Junior Class.

Probably the most important victories. The junior class is quite short in time from 9 to 18 months. However, from the age of 15 months the dog can participate in exhibitions both in the junior class and in the open class. Wins in the junior class are especially important because they give a powerful incentive to continue the dog’s show career.

And our Oda is a Staffordshire Terrier who conquered the junior class. I confess that my acquaintances asked me to skip dog shows in order to give them a chance to win. As a result, our achievements in the junior class – Junior Champion of Ukraine, Junior Grand Champion of Ukraine, being in the junior class Oda four times becomes the best representative of the breed of the alternative sex (BOS). She is the best junior of the dog show held in Nikolaev on June 05, 2021 and takes second place in the best of juniors the next day on June 06. Incredible success. All this took only 4 months. In juniors, we took everything we could.

Best In Show Junior

At dog shows, competitions are held in several stages. First, the winner of the breed in its class is selected – babies (up to 6 months), puppies (6-9 months), juniors (9-18 months), intermediate class (15-24 months), working class (for dogs with working diplomas), champions and winners (dogs already having the corresponding titles) and, of course, veterans (from 8 years old). The best dogs take part in BEST where they are compared with the best dogs of other breeds. There are many breeds, the experts have a hard time, as the dogs are different and each must meet its own standards. For two days in a row, in the face of such fierce competition, our Oda won, taking first place on the first day, and second place on the second day. For two days in a row, she beat not just dogs, but the best dogs of all breeds.

We applied for the TOP dog and at the end of 2021, my Oda became the second in the TOP Staffordshire Terrier junior class, losing only one male. So, today – I am the owner of the best junior female in Ukraine of the American Staffordshire Terrier breed.

From the age of 15 months, we decided to leave the junior class ahead of schedule and Odessa Art Off Staff began to exhibit in the open class. Program at least for this year – Champion of Ukraine, Champion of Moldova and BBB – best of the best of breed in Ukraine.

On December 22, 2021, our Oda became a mother. She had 6 wonderful babies: 5 girls and 1 boy. Meet these cute babies!!!

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