Bubble Shooter All’Vari Style

Bubble Shooter All’Vari Style Dog-Show 28-30 of July 2023 Orhei Moldova.

From 28 to 30 July in the city of Orhei there was again  all breeds Dog Show. This time Bubble Shooter took part in the show in puppy class. Once again, our little boy showed a great result. Based on the results of the 3-day Dog Show marathon, Bubble Shooter added a new title to his bank – the Grand Champion of Moldova in the puppy class. Another step towards a stellar career that is sure to await this fine American Staffordshire Terrier.

Bubble Shooter All’Vari Style Exhibition 17-18 June 2023 year Orhei Moldova.

On June 17 and 18, 2023 in the city of Orhei, Moldova, another FCI dog show of all breeds was held. My puppy Bubble Shooter All’Vari Style took part in shows in the “BABY” class. For two days in a row he took first place in his class and became the best BABY of the American Staffordshire Terrier breed.

Now he is 6 months old and has already received his first championship title. Yes Yes!!! Bubble Shooter All’Vari Style is now the Champion of Moldova in the BABY class. A great start to a very promising puppy’s career. Congratulations to the owner Radu, you are great. We are waiting for new victories from you!

Champion of Moldova Baby Certificate

At the end of the exhibition, several photos were taken as a keepsake, which I will be happy to share.

Bubble Shooter in his house.

стаффордширский терьер Bubble Shooter на природе
Амстафф Bubble Shooter puppy on the lawn

I am very happy for my baby Bubble Shooter All ‘Vary Style. Well, he found his owner! Thank you Radu.

The puppy moved to Moldova and lives in the city of Chisinau. They have a complete idyll with the owner Radu. They walk together, go fishing, Radu teaches him the first commands.

And he recently visited an exhibition in the city of Orhei, heard a lot of flattering words from experts and got the first experience in his future stellar career.

Good luck guys!!!!

Puppy of American Staffordshire Terrier Bubble Shооter All’Vari Style age 45 days

купить американского стаффордширского терьера щенки 1 месяц фото 17
American Staffordshire Terrier Bubble Shooter

Date of berth 22.12.2022



Sex: Male

The fourth was born a white-headed pirate with an amazing coloring on his back in the form of a red heart. Calm, like a boa constrictor, balanced. He would rather sleep on the sidelines, cuddle with his mother, and in the end he will get the most milk.

Puppy of American Staffordshire Terrier Bubble Shооter All’Vari Style age 21 days

Puppy of American Staffordshire Terrier Bubble Shооter All’Vari Style age 14 days

Newborn Puppy of American Staffordshire Terrier Bubble Shооter All’Vari Style

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