Aisha All’Vari Style

Date of berth 22.12.2021

Father: Dzhilroy Alonos Art of Staff. Inter Chempion, Chempion of 7 countries!!!

Mother: Odessa Art Off Staff Junior Chempion of Ukraine, Junior Grand Chempion of Ukraine

Aisha Staffordshire Terrier puppy (age 45 days)

Mooved to her new family

Aisha Staffordshire Terrier puppy (age 25 days)

Aisha is a red-haired staff girl with a gull-shaped baston on the scruff of her neck. That’s why we call her “Chaika”. This staff is a puppy with character. She shows perseverance, courage and cunning. Not at all averse to getting behind with his sisters and brother. Persistent and bending his line. In addition, she is very cunning, and if necessary, she instantly becomes very affectionate and sweet. Loves affection and attention. You won’t get bored with such an Amstaff puppy.

Aisha Staffordshire Terrier puppy (1 week old)

Aisha Staffordshire Terrier puppy (a few hours old)

Aisha is another one of our staffordshire terrier puppies. She was born fifth, and by that time something had happened to our fantasy. It took us a long time to come up with a name for her. Having christened her Chaika, we turned to our staff friends on Facebook and announced a competition for the best name for our baby. So, from the very first hours of her life, a lot of people took part in her future destiny.

After all, what is the most important thing in a dog? Her name. Aisha means lively, energetic.

Aisha is a very mobile and active puppy, she can’t sit still. Always crawling somewhere, running away. A couple of times I even got lost in the puppy house.

американский стаффордширский терьер щенок возраст 7 дней. Aisha All 'Vari Style 2
Puppy American Staffordshire Terrier Aisha All ‘Vari Style.

Aisha – just a week. But when she grows up, she will be the best friend and reliable guard of her new family. Ooooh, I highly recommend checking it out!

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